Focus On The Future Sale

Online Heifer Sale: 10.15.24

9 Lots will be for sale:
Click on a name for video and more details!

Photo Lot # Name Sire DOB
Lot #1 JCGC Matilda 429 M JCGC Dynamite 697 D 3/20/24
Lot #2 JCGC Macie 484 M Mac Journeyman 455 J 3/6/24
Lot #3 JCGC Margo 451 M JCGC Gunpowder 912 G 2/26/24
Lot #4 JCGC Mabel 490 M JCGC Dynamite 697 D 2/16/24
Lot #5 JCGC Maggie 478 M Mac Journeyman 455 J 2/10/24
Lot #6 JCGC Molly 469 M Mac Journeyman 455 J 1/23/24

Lot #7 JCGC Millie 433 M JCGC Gunpowder 912 G 1/20/24
JC479 - Lot 8 Lot #8 JCGC Melody 479m MAC Journeyman 455J 1/12/24
Lot #9 JCGC 471 M Mac Journeyman 455 J 1/10/24

If the past predicts the future, what will the future hold?

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✓ Several National and Junior National Show winners have come out of this sale.
✓ All of these calves will be halter broken, clipped, pictured, videoed, and ready to go in the show ring.
✓ Several of them will already be entered in The Kansas City Royal Show.

“I think that my goal of raising the quality of my good end up to the quality of my best end has been accomplished with this set of exquisite heifers.” —Jo Colmore
